Halo 4 Work

I started on Halo 4 at the beginning of 2012 as a Technical Environment Artists. My job was to keep the levels running in memory and at a consistent 30fps with out diminishing the quality of the art in the levels. My job duties consisted of some art tasks, but mostly performance diagnostics, memory monitoring, level volumes/seams creation, collision mesh generation, occlusion volume passes, and other tech art related tasks. I was responsible for the first two missions of Halo 4 and two DLC map packs.

This was the first map I worked on, it was one hell beast to get to run, but it was worth it.
This was the second map I worked on, it took a lot of work to get it to all be seamless but very rewarding.
This was one of the two maps I worked on for the Crimson DLC map pack. This was a map no one said could be done.